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Saturday, January 17, 2009
okay, this may just be a lone post, for elycia dear(:
somehow, as I was walking with itouch in ear, with the wind blowing and seeing the sun appear behind the buildings. theres this warmness that oerwhelms me and for a moment, that was all I wanted in the world.

I need that calm heart than, i really need it.

Saturday, July 26, 2008
yes, i know lack of posting. my life is boring and i am too lazy! PTs are the culprits! so there. and HENGYENG! you're linked!

Friday, July 11, 2008
pffft. screw life.
maybe cos i am too sensitive.
maybe cos i am a perfectionist.
maybe cos i just am not satisfied.
maybe cos i feel insecure.
maybe cos i think negatively.
maybe cos its really true what ppl say but one in it cannot experience and feel it.
maybe cos i think too much.
maybe cos i read too much into it.
maybe cos its just that simple only.
maybe cos my brain is screwed.
maybe cos its all true afterall.
but thats hard to take in. maybe, i should just listen to what ppl say. cos now i am starting to feel and experience it. and they are exactly the same. but still, screw life.

i left my D&T toy in school. i told mum and she asked,"why leave it there? is it safe?"
i replied,"yes, it is. I trust my school"
i am not sure what made me reply that way cos i know if it were me i dont feel that way.

jessica, my SL i/c is head prefect.

argh. screw life. nothings gonna change. i am sure. seriously.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
-zuo wen
-chi shao nian wen zhai
-and crap that i am to screwed to be bothered!D:

Monday, July 7, 2008
okay. this will be a short post. more photos. have to go to bed soon!:D had family gathering yesterday, went for dinner! okay thats for the wordy part!(: short as promised.

me and bro!(:

my oh so handsome cousin!:Dand oh so cute cousin! his only 4 years old i think!:D

Monday, June 30, 2008
Dont pin hopes cos the hopes will bring you down
okay. i just realised i need to have an update. or this blog will bore the shit out of ppl. okay. nothing much just a hectic week and stuff.

Monday: had monday morning SL chats. i am super stressed bout this cos am o i/c and like more job. but i guess i like that workload. school. went home worked on proposal for the external SL project proposal and consolidate stuff like sorting out positions and comm.

Tuesday: school as per normal. discuss SL project also. and stuff more work. home to work on proposal still.

Wednesday: nth much. stuff like lessons. then had malay convo lesson at 3.15 to 5.15. and then sat bus to hwa chong for karate. reached there like bout 6pm(which will like continue for another 3 weeks) and ate dinner. trained. slacked lots. uh. but competitions on 27 july and dont-know-when september. uh. must win lopez or it will be a shame. but i realised. sth changed and i dont know what. reached home checked mail. slept.

Thursday: school as per norm. nth much. aft sch had no cca as concerts coming up. seniors training.

(uhs. cant recall much till thurs)

Friday: school. after school went with regina claire and cindysum to orchard at like 1.15pm. wantred to eat at dintaifeng at wisma but regina wanted KFC. so KFC it will be!(: sat and gossiped for like an hour then regina had to go back to school and after that me claire and cindysum walked the whole of far east. then we went to cine! wanted to watch GET SMART cos hao said it was nice and should watch. but it was just past 3pm when the only show that could fit our timeslot was the 3pm one. so watched PENELOPE in the end at 3.30pm. when we went into the lift to like go up tot he theatre there was like this group of acs(i) who were practically STRUTTING out of the lift. i was like okay. they were acting cool when they were so NOT cool at all. i was like laughing all the way up and claire and cindysum too! the movie was quite okay. no depth in the movie though. at first had wanted to meet regina and jocie at ps after movie but i had to do some work! so told them had to go back to school. claire and cindysum went with me too. wanted to meet hanj in school. but she in the end went with regina and jocie!! hahah! then half way back to sch, cheryl called to say she would be late for talent vogue and asked me to book a seat for her. okay. so settled. went back to school. did some work andthen changed. but then regina called at around 6pm to say that the three of them would be late. so then had to book seats for them. so in all had to book 4 seats! nice one. and hanj regina and jocie were still like at burger king eating! but in the end we all made it. the video was like super funny. and for once, i saw alethea in a SKIRT(not including school u and culottes)! i thought alethea was cool! but now i saw her feminine side!(: went in. before long cheryl the taitai came and then hanj regina and jocie finally arrived! then played and all! end. went home.(:(so crap my com suddenly screwed up and i cant bluetooth the vogue night photos to the lappy! oh well. next time then)

the only photo which could be bluetoothed for talent vogue.! and thats the feminine alethea in her skirt!(:

SAT: had hearts project the CIP thing. went with mayo and hanj. we walked fomr SMU school of social sci at like 9am starting towards the national library. then we were too attracted by raffles city that we walked in and then came out! then kind of screwed up lur direction. asked ppl to donate and write a nce message on a nice HEART to give to the disabled children. then saw some fuhua ppl and nanyang ppl. we kind of struck a deal with them. for them to donate to ours and we would donate to theirs. (: then after that went library. ate macs at bras basar complex slacked for bout and hour before going off again. oh yes. there was this super nice caucasian couple that came up to us and said HI! and donated. omg! such nice ppl!(: then walked to bugis. uh bad place. sat from bugis MRT then to douby ghaut MRT. went to ps to ask for donations. more ppl there were more generous!(: met many rg seniors who had already graduated. they said they donated cos they were from rgs as too and we were their juniors! then after that met chatted with the advertising ppl form P.Osh the cookie cum brownie shop! they gave us samples and talked like crazy. haha. they had seriously nice cookies!(: did not try the brownies cos its CHOCOLATE!): but mayo and hanj said they were seriously good! okay then went on to collect. had a total of $128++in the end. went back to SMU school of social sciences. returned the board that we used to paste the hearts. and then bought drinks and snacks form mr bean which was like only 1.5m away from our gathering place. it was like 3+pm then. crystal was already there waiting. then as P.Osh had nice cookies!+ brownies. we went there. it was a newly opened shop at douby xchange! boought cookies and then went home!(: it was mum's birthday that day!:D

(thank goodness the lappy isnt screwed when i bluetoothed these photos)

our super nice board which had wishes from the ppl who donated!(:this thing that hanj wrote to record that she had paid mayo already!!laugh at it! it is funny!the project written super nicely by i-dont-know-who!"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to DANCE IN THE RAIN."something that i wrote on the heart cos some ppl donated but did not write msg. me mayo and hanj had to write for them!(:

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
i am really and seriously glad that things in school are looking up. the past 6 months have been a breeze with many ups and downs. i cried, i smiled and i laughed. but i guess those all made me a stronger person. i realised i have grown. thank you rgs. you make me miserable at times cos i feel inferior but you make me stronger and i am really glad i have grown and stretched to even greater heights. i used to feel that rgs was a crazy school with crazy ppl with nerds lining the corridoors. and super thick glasses. but no, its not true at all. the ppl are indeed crazy, but in a funky way that never fails to cheer me up. i had actually once thought that my school life has hit the bottompit where i would never have a nice day or never be able to laugh, not to say squeeze a smile out. but its all over now. and i am grateful that these rough times have past. and i believe these would be the worst ones. it would not be any worse. cos i knew. never in my life had i once felt like how i felt during the start of the year, ego flattened and all. thinking that oh, actually, i am not so good afterall i should just go some lousy sch where no one has ever threstened or questioned my intelligence or capabilities. cos no one had ever done so in pri sch. but now, i can say, after such rafts that, i am sure of my capabilities and intelligence and that i can do even better if i put my heart in to study. i am glad to have budds with me even if they dont know they are some sort of encouragement that kept me going.

minchih, thanks for being there and helping me, always being the cheerful one. it really helps you know although you dont know i am seriously encouraged by everything you have done. your laughter kept me going, so continue being that way!

hanjun:my crazy seatmate. thank you so much han june. i am glad that my seating position landed right beside yours. and if i had a choice i would never change it. you never knew when i was down but our funky ideas and funny way of talking really brightens up my day!
viv:hey girl, thanks for helping me and guiding me T2 SL. being an SL really brightens up my life. i once thought, oh, i have no more leadership qualities and being an SL is like impossible. but you came along and helped me.

karate ppl: mostly ppl whom i mix around with. you ppl know it. especially during malaysia trips at night in the rooms monkeying about! those days really fun and cool cos they relieved me from all the school stress that was piling on top and almost causing me to cave in. but the trips made me feel life wasnt do bad and all. with all the competitions i won which boosted at least alittle of my ego and mixing around with you ppl.

if i have a choice, i want nothing to change now. let it be the same as it is.

leave a tag
because i tell you to

cos i've decided to leave everything behind.

when i'm asleep
walk the streets alone

Meet EDA. She is a RAFFLESIAN and ONETENNER and she is very proud of her school so stop thinking that your comments on RGS can put her down. She is the ohhh-so-wunnerful karate-ka and co-er She can be rather SPASTIC EGO and MOOD-SWINGY at times[most of the time]. She is certainly ego, but so bear with her as she can get rather L.A.M.E too. She is rather low most of the time as she has a SUPER LOWSUGAR INTAKE. She simply cant stand lians, bengs, huis, despos and act-bimbos. The reason for such a simple but gorgeous blogskin is cos she wants her life that way. SIMPLEGORGEOUS. So let her be that way. Remember too, her birthday. Its 6 June 1995. Take that. Oh yes, she LOVES her batch of T3SLs.
that's all i get

reverse fast forward

credits etc.
leave them be