UH. i mean i like RI--campus and school. not people. nah cos the last post sounded a little wrong.
UH. so random. keep changing skins.
bye world.
RI! i have seriously nothing to say bout this school!
just, ITS GREAT!
bro just got back from DI competition Tennese, Knoxville.
heard that RI(the sec 3s and 4s) got second for the global finals.
haha but i guess it does not come as a surprise. they were great.
I remembered the initial competition at RI itself and they performed.
what caught my attention was the guy from morrison house who sang like super well!:D
and they acted well too. so no surprise. i can say, RI is better than RGS. from the results i see.
my bro's school did quite well too! for elementry level!
okay. just got back from karate. i feel super lousy. and lethargic. i guess i just slackened. i got tired super easily and did not have the power just for the first few katas. sucker me! maybe cos i did not train enough. so must double-up on training. but i finally mastered the turn in suparinpei. i am not ego but really i felt it was quite a nice turn! but kept getting kind of nagged by sensei cos i was not training hard enough. nevermind. i deserved it.
ah nth to say. just tired and drained. so bye bye world.
CONGRATS RI! YOUR DID GREAT IN THE ARENA!RAFFLES ROCK ON!oh yes. hols officially begin today i guess. haha adpted from minchih's blog!HAHAHA I SURVIVED A SEMESTER IN STUPID RGS!!!haha. yes minchih my sentiments totally!!! and haha. bout the arena yes yes. nicholas was the overall best speaker. that was minchih's senior from rosyth!!! and he was laso voted cutest debator on an online poll. lol. but i guess he really deserves everything. i mean he speaks super well. they won nanyang!!! i felt nettie was cute HAHA! although the competition had actually ended last sat though.and yes on to hols. just went shopping today with mummy. went to plaza sing. and i spent a bomb. haha i bought a bear from build-a-bear workshop and it cost bought a hundered bucks for that bear i chose and the clothes! i even bought a karate gee!!!:D and i bought another itouch cover for mine cos my cover was spoiling and that cover i bought cost 49 bucks. haha. then shopped till like 5pm i think since 12pm when i left house.
okay thats bout it i have no inspiration now. not in the mood to blog not in the mood too. i guess. see you and dont fret over ppl or things not worth fretting over.

bear and clothes and karate gee. and shoes picked by me! i love the hello kitty shirt!

itouch with cover

me and bear
well well. back from KL yesterday. nice trip. but it wore me out. like really. oh well. cant be help. our club did well. heard from sensei that we clinched like some 17 medals. out of which 5 were gold nice job. but i really believe that the freaking draw plays a freaking big part in the positions. anyway. felt i did fine okay okay. peiyi was like being surrounded by all the indonesian players. she was like some star haha.
Fridaywoke up early like normal at 5.45am. sat with sensei family at 640am went to boonlay shoppingcentre to wait for the others to arrive. supposed to leave for malaysia at like 730am. boarded the bus. bus left a little later behind schduele. but its okay cos i have the time haha. anyway. then sat for like a good 6 hr. talked with hao and carolyn some crap stuff. and slept. well not exactly but like closed my eyes. reached at like 2. sat taxi. reached. adeline said that her taxi driver was like saying all the hotels in KL were haunted but the one that we were staying at was the worst. haha. later went to rooms to rest. stayed with carolyn and serena. we were a little bored so called the others like meli adeline and the guys over. watched tv and crapped. after that changed and went for training. before that when we went down auntie nancy auntie desiree they all just came back from shopping. informed that auntie nancy just got robbed of bout 1k or sth like that. thank goodness soon's passport was not in her handbag.auntie nancy looked pretty upset. okay i mean who wont. they didnt manage to catch or even freaking chase the robber cos auntie nancy and the others were practically stunned and that the robbers were actually speeding past on a motorcycle. went for training. then bathe and ate seafood. by then auntie nancy had already recovered from the scare. then went JUSCO for shopping. it was just nearby. a mere 10 min walk or less than that. stocked up water supplies and bought tibits. me serena carolyn bought each two bottles of yoghurt and then hao and carolyn bought mars bars me and serena bought cornetto mini ice cream(1 box!) and they were all cheaper as compared to S'pore. by that time we were too tired did not have talke crap time. so just slept.
Saturdayopen kata competition day. got bronze. and as expected peiyi got gold!!!haha waited for freaking long before we got to the end of the competition. It was so boring. me and meli were like wondering around and talking bout this end that. mostly bout ppl and gossiping crap. we had like a super good view of the ppl around us as we were at the top most area at a corner and no one knew that we were there. haha. what we saw is crazy. and i thought her a super lame game which i also forgot and she could not get it!! shes like super cute haha. and freak! xuan was like teaching carolyn maths!! omg!! haha. whos in the mood to learn maths!!??lols then after that got medals. walked back again and we reached hotel at dont know what time. and meli's slippers broke on the way. so auntie lynn accompanied her to JUSCO to get a new pair. adeline(meli's sis) went to find them. but oh well no not there. but in the end adeline still reached hotel at the same time as us! haha she said she was so scared kena robbed that she hugged her bag all the way back. so cute.after that bathed ate dinner,steambaot it was quite nice. then went back hotel. by then serena was hooked on kang ting's video/movie player so we went to kang ting's room first with hao while xuan was like emo-ing in his room. after which me and carolyn was like freaking baked as the air con was so not working so carolyn said go xuan's room cos he was emo-ing. lols carol. went there and left hao behind cos he was stuck to the psp. watched hong kond drama on the tv. then went back to our room to sleep. meli came to find us as she said adeline, peiyi and peiru went to like gatecrash some party. lols. serena was still in kang ting's room so meli, me and carolyn slept first on a bed together.
Sundaymy cat's competion and many others. this time had more ppl. yah did not wait very long for my cat. competed.this time was also entertaining myself with playing vanessa's(vanissa(?)) gameboy ds. she can seriously get stuck on one game exactly the same for like a crazy long time!!! me and meli were like going crazy trying to get her to change a game. then after that the competition lasted so freaking long even though there were 5 mats that i was starting to fall asleep. it lasted till 10pm. and i was half asleep on the way back. had to squeeze on the bus with this group of karate ppl from aceh, indonesia to get back. then went back hotel to bathe wash up and anything. went for a super super late dinner. same, seafood. ate and talked. went back hotel. then we went to the guys room. we decieded not to sleep that night.adeline and serena went to bed like immediately on the other bed. i was going to sleep then the four ppl playing cards on the bed were laughing like crazy that i woke up. hahahah! omg but they were so funny. i kept coughing. thx xuan for the water. and yes xuan hope haven spread the flu bug to you. yah then hao also want to sleep so serena in the end woke up. gave him his bed back. haha. and he like put this freaking to pillows behind him and adeline as great wall of china but in the end adeline hugged them and like destroyed it. haha. serena went to watch movie on adeline's laptop and the others slept slowly. with me first. haha. i was damn tired from the competition. slept at bout 3am. serena woke me up at like 5am(?) and serena, me and carolyn went back to our room while adeline and meli went back to theirs. afterall it wasn't so good. oh well. then slept till like 8am or 8.15am. went for breakfast and ate wanton noodles. on our way back, saw adeline and meli at old town coffeehouse or sth. gossiped with them!!! it was so hilariously. adeline!!! then went back and did last packing plus checking. sat the 12.15pm bus and went home.
the trip was totally crazy so looks like its back to school again. oh no. oh well cant be help though. i am like so not looking forward. and yes. you ppl you can suan me haha. and i will not respond cos hmm well i have no comments.haahaha. yes. okkay. nvm i can suan you ppl back. esp meli and hao. well. its time to face school.
photos. ahhh. with carolyn will get from her soon!
MYAs are OVER! meaning: GOING OUT!
lols. okkay just ended my math paper today. it was easy as compared to pri 6! so yay! and FREAK! i SO hate ccas. okay whatever. i will not bother myself with such a freakingly small matter. it wastes brain cells. anyway. cut all the crap. went out with min chih today! we did not actually have any idea where to go at first considering the fact that it was like 10.13 am in the morning. so i was like saying "lets go wisma then go cine to eat and watch movie etc. then go ps" and she was like okay. cos apparently we did not have anywhere to go. and we sat 105 far east plaza cos i was to freaking fedup to wait. 105 doesnt go opp tangs so sat to far east plaza to wait for whichever bus. and as 132 arrived, the smart alex in me suddenly seemed to bloody pop out and i was like"quick! OMG! the bus arrive already!" so we ******ly went onto the bus. and who freaking knows that IT ALSO DOESNT GO TO TANGS!!!!! @#$%^&*@#$% it went o orchard bolvd instead. and we had to freaking WALK to wisma. and it was so boring :O so we went to cine to have lunch at pastamania and freak! i did not have my phone with me the whole freaking day! and we could not take photos!D: i ordered some meatball(beef)fussini(or however you spell it)ohwell and chih ordered some creamy chicken thingum. ordered peach italian soda and she ordered F&N orange. we ate until we were like super nauseous. and she like all of a sudden had a stomachache. lols. and last time we went to second floor toilet it was like huanted(?) all we knew were that we went in and there was a flushing noise but no one was in any cubicle and we screamed and dashed out immediately. must have been a funny sight. we went to basement toilet. and after which we went to get tickets to WHAT HAPPENED IN VEGAS! . the show at 12.50pm. and then went to take neoprints. nice nice. we printed out four big ones. nice there. oh well then we were rushing for the movie cos we were actually still decorating the neoprints when it was only like a pathetic 5 min away from the show. but to was omgness NICE! and hilarious with all the crap bim stuff and all. melodramatic and what have you. we were like laughing our way through the whole movie. but there was this CTSS girl who was sitting beside me and blabbering away. chih said she was irritating. i agree. she was like: "they must be going to have that thing(except she said it out like real loud in the correct word form)." and i was like mouthing omg cos she has like no shame. i mean who says that word "s*x" out so loudly admist the quiet cinema. punchline is: pls try to be more tactful although i know that she gets very excited thinking about that word considering the fact that she kinda jumped up when saying it. chill dude. dont get so excited. haha. and after the movie, we went to ps. saw cheryl and she was holding a bear which was hot from the over from:make-a-bear workshop in plaza sing. i was like OMG! its so cute. then i went to find the shop. i had actually circled the fifth level twice. and only to find it on the third freaking level. the shop was like filled with shoes for the bears to wear and clothes: there was also karate gee! goshness! cheryl is so lucky! she got one for her birthday!D: the bear has like so many diff kind of clothes: swimming costume, tuxedo.etc. after that then we went home! it was so interesting.
ohoh before i forget. club competition is actually on 27 july!:D
yay! seeya!:D